My first experience with web development was during my final years of high school. At the time I had no great interest in the subject and knew little about design or any art fundamentals, never mind usability, accessibility and all the other key aspects of UI design. Instead for the remainder of high school and some time after, I learned about art and design through traditional art, photography, and digital art. I didn’t know it at the time, but the skills and techniques I learned would prove to be incredibly useful for designing UI. Once I was at university and had reached the subject of web design, I discovered I had a new perspective on it. I found designing prototypes for websites and then implementing them to be something I excelled at and enjoyed doing. During the rest of my time at university, I was able to build up a strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. MySQL databases shifted my view on how websites could be architected, opening up the possibility of larger scale websites being easy to manage. A few other technologies were also covered such as JQuery and AJAX. In my own time I am trying to learn React for front end development. Below are designs and projects I have worked on commercially, for university, and as personal work.
A desktop app built using Electron, allowing web technologies to be used. The app is a kind of pegboard system intended for badminton clubs, allowing pseudorandom or ranked matchups to be generated. It offers a variety of adjustable parameters and other features to accommodate all sizes of clubs.
A website for the Dundee Area Badminton Association (DABA) that acts as a community hub for dozens of local badminton clubs. The site also includes all management and administration systems for the Gents, Ladies, and Mixed doubles leagues, each broken up into several divisions.
This site contains my portfolio of work across several disciplines and was built completely from scratch, which presented some interesting challenges - particularly with the photo gallery. Originally intended as a platform to showcase my photography, the site grew into a compilation of my work as a computing science student too.